Every year Cooking To Entertain chooses the most popular post to award ‘Recipe Of The Year‘ and place it on the homepage for the entirety of the following year. These recipes are usually the most visited, rated, commented on, and otherwise most beloved by readers.
The goal of this archive is to allow guests to go back through time and see what was popular in years past. Who knows, maybe you’ll find a new favorite recipe you missed.
Recipe Of The Year 2023

This is the first time a drink has won Recipe of the Year. It happens to be the extremely easy, two ingredient Spanish vermouth cocktail, also known as a vermut sifon. Unsurprisingly this is one of my go to home-drinks since I almost always have a bottle of Spanish vermut on hand, and which person living in Europe doesn’t ALWAYS have sparkling water in the house.
Recipe Of The Year 2022

Ukrainian Syrnyky was the 2022 recipe of the year. These light but luscious cheese pancakes are a very popular breakfast dish and are commonly served with fresh fruit compote or sour cream.
Recipe Of The Year 2021

Coffee Bean Cookies won recipe of the year for 2021 by a huge margin. It was likely due to their viral spread throughout social media, especially Reddit and Facebook. These coffee bean shaped treats have been viewed over a million times and the photos are constantly ‘stolen’ and posted on various other platforms – which I consider quite the badge of honor!
Recipe Of The Year 2020

Baking Powder Chicken Wings are to this day one of the most popular recipes on this recipe blog. For all the people that want extra crispy wings without having to get out the deep-fryer, the baking powder method is a surefire success. Not to mention the post links to a wide variety of sauces and seasonings so you can have wings dozens of different ways without ever getting tired of them.
Recipe Of The Year 2019

Chicken Devel won 2019’s Recipe of the Year and I was not surprised. Not only was it uploaded when there were but a few other posts on the site, it’s just absolutely delicious. This dish is also known as devilled chicken and it is one of the most popular Sri Lankan recipes. I was fortunate to learn the authentic recipe from my guesthouse host in Kandy while touring the island for my wife’s travel blog.