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About Cooking To Entertain

Hi I’m Kodi! Welcome to Cooking to Entertain – a recipe blog I started to showcase some of my favorite dishes to cook for dinner parties and friendly gatherings.

The dishes range from simple and quick, to impressive and time consuming. Do you want to spend 4 days crafting an elegant entremet cake? I can show you how. What about a quick 30 minute or less weeknight meal? You can also find that here!

Of course, I do tend to specialize. Passed hors d’oeuvres or canapes pop up on this site often, as well as ethnic dishes since I’m an avid traveler. In fact I have a personal rule that I take a local cooking class in every place I visit; I’m always learning new and authentic recipes from all over the world!

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Most Popular Ukrainian Recipes

These ‘How-To’ posts are more than just recipes; They are instructional guides to help with improving your skills in the kitchen. They range from the cleaning and preparation of an animal (How To Break Down A Rabbit) to more niche guides (How To Calculate The ABV Of Homemade Cocktails).

<- So go ahead, click that button and see all of the wonderful How- To articles that will help you become a better home cook.

Recipe Of The Year (2023)


The most popular recipe of 2022 is……The Vermouth Cocktail! This is the first time a drink has won recipe of the year, and it’s one of the easiest things to make on this entire site. Find out not just how to make this delightfully refreshing drink, but learn a little about the world of Spanish vermut as well!

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